Tai Ji Training in Zurich

Movement as a path leading deeply within. Beginners’ training in Zurich. 

The Path: Tai Ji supports the process of inner development with philosophical concepts and concrete exercise methods. Initially, the focus is primarily on physical movement. The movements can be slow or fast, but are always dynamic and soft. The movement training lays the foundations for the further development of emotional and intellectual possibilities. The path of Tai Ji encompasses all levels of the human being and makes use of their close interconnectedness. 

Ancient Wisdom: The movements of Tai Ji are a physical expression of the philosophical principles formulated in the Daodejing. They stem from a long chain of teacher-student relationships that are deeply rooted in the Daoist tradition of ancient China. In this tradition, spiritual exercises and philosophy are inextricably linked with martial arts and medicine. As a holistic path of inner development, Tai Ji also promotes constructive conflict management and comprehensive health into old age. 

Modern Didactics: We train according to the concepts of Patrick Kelly. Despite all cultural barriers, Patrick has deeply penetrated the art of his teacher Huang Xingxian and made it accessible to the Western world. His deep understanding has enabled him to formulate an exceptionally clear didactic concept that he has been constantly refining over the past 50 years. We are supported by him through supervision and regular seminars.

Training for beginners in Zurich

We practise at least twice a week in a small group. We support each other to create an intensive learning environment. During the training, we gradually bring our concentration deeper into the body. The mind is calmed and deepened and new ways of perceiving and controlling the body become accessible. The necessary knowledge is imparted through instructions and feedback, but also through touch and observation. Beginners are continuously integrated into the training and learn together with more experienced students right from the start.

A typical training session lasts 90 minutes and consists of the following four parts:

All exercises are accompanied by precise instructions and explanations of the mental and physical processes. Each part of the training builds on the previous one and prepares you for the next. In this way, the exercises can gradually become more and more challenging. More about the training.

Class Info

We practice on the following days (regardless of holidays or school vacations):

  • Monday 19:45 – 21:15 Uhr
  • Thursday 19:00 – 20:30 Uhr

If you want to join the group, make sure you are able to come on both days. Before you join, please watch a class, so you can see exactly what we do and we can get to know each other.

The cost for two trainings per week is 150 Fr per month. Reduction is possible. 

If you would like to know more or sign up to watch, please write to me using the contact form.

We practice in Zürich at Sihlmed Friedaustr 17, 3rd floor: 


Jannis Heilmann:

“Movement practice has been an essential part of my life since my childhood. The meditative aspect has become more and more important. Martial arts and dance gave me the most direct connection to my body. In the Tai Ji of Huang Xin Xian and Patrick Kelly, I have found the clarity and depth I was looking for.  I have been studying with Patrick and his students for 10 years.“
